Nutritional Therapy
Eat Your Way Back to Health
Think about how our bodies operate. The only thing keeping us going is what we ingest. If we stop eating we will die in about 7 - 10 days. If we stop drinking we’ll only last about 3 days. This may seem morbid, but at Optimal You, we like to get to the point and the point is “what we eat and drink” is “who we are”, literally. Every 3-4 months our red blood cells regenerate and depending on how well we are eating and treating our bodies, is how well our cells can take care of us. Nutrition is a HUGE component of our plans to help clients regain their health. There’s no doubt that optimizing nutrition on a daily basis will optimize YOU!
Finding healthy and nutritional food can be a challenge. There is also the challenge of finding time to prepare this food. We’ll help you with strategies for this as well. Some key items that get discussed when working with Optimal You on your health and wellness journey include:
Determining if your body is reacting negatively to certain foods, even healthy ones! This could play a role in losing that last five or ten stubborn pounds or may be causing brain fog, acne, rashes, joint pain, migraines, etc. Through clinical testing, we can determine exactly what food or chemical food additives you should avoid while deep healing is occurring.
Improving your digestion so that what you do eat is absorbed by the body. There are practical solutions to improve our digestion.
Finding the best available options if eating out is necessary.
Uncovering causes of acid reflux, gas, burping, constipation, loose stool, and other digestive issues.
Learning how critical hydration is to every cell in our body, the healing process, and digestion.
Discussing the “diet of the day” like Keto, Paleo, Vegan, etc. Depending on your health goals, diet will obviously play a key role; however, we’ll keep things as simple as possible, eliminate the confusion and offer do-able nutrition plans that you can feel good about.