Functional and Integrative Health Solutions

We know how to get to the root cause of your chronic symptoms so you can stop searching for answers and get outside and play!

  • Fatigue - Anxiety

  • Inflammation

  • Digestive Disorders

  • Allergies

  • Food Reactions

  • Skin Issues

  • Weight Gain or Loss

  • Sleep and Mood Problems

  • Aches and Pains

  • Autoimmune

  • and more…


The Optimal You Approach

Extensive analysis will be used to determine the root cause of your health issues. Unlike meeting with a medical doctor, we’ll discuss, at length, your health history. Further analysis, using optional functional testing, will allow the strategic removal of blocking factors that may be impeding your health and determine what is needed to restore and nourish your body for healing. Below are some areas that we use to determine what your body is dealing with and what it needs:

  • A compromised gut causes inflammation and is related to autoimmune disease. Healing the gut is a top priority.

  • Food sensitivities are a major cause of inflammation in the body. They can also cause leaky gut, anxiety, rashes, etc. But, sometimes they occur 2-3 days after we eat. Uncovering these sensitivities is critical for the healing process to begin.

  • Food is our fuel. As we age or stay in a stressed state, our digestive capacity reduces. Vitamins and minerals aren’t absorbed and GI distress results.

  • Often times our good gut bugs are outnumbered by the bad ones. A stool test reveals exactly what’s happening in the gut, how our digestion is working (not working) and if we have any pathogens, parasites or overgrowths.

  • Blood sugar regulation and hormonal balance are critical for us to maintain sustained, level energy. We can use blood work and saliva testing to uncover imbalances.

  • Many people either have known thryoid issues that are not getting resolved, or they are unaware that they are playing a big role in their lack of energy, slow metabolism, and temperature control. We test for 8 blood markers for thyroid while doctors test for 1 or 2. We’ll get the full picture of this vital gland which is a big piece of your overall health.

  • Saliva and urine testing are used to find the “active” hormones circulating in the body. Hormones are what make us “feel good”; however, too often they are imbalanced from stress or age. Usually, repaired gut health resolves hormonal issues, but if they remain unresolved we can dig deeper.

  • Two of the tiniest glands in your body, the adrenals, are responsible for handling your stress response. They decide if you blow up at a stressor, or handle it well. Saliva testing is the gold standard for testing our adrenal health and cortisol levels. Once again, age and stress take their toll and we know exactly what these tiny powerful glands need to be restored.

  • The trillions of cells in your body need key nutrients to work properly. Fatty acids, key minerals and vitamins in their most usable forms, etc. We utilize urine testing for organic acids and Kreb’s Cycle metabolites to uncover weaknesses in these areas with a clear path of what the body needs to restore your mitochondrial health.

You deserve answers and life-changing results!


 “As an experienced clinician using functional testing and extensive symptom surveys, I uncover the root cause(s) of my clients’ chronic issues. Common chronic issues can include such things as: digestive disorders, elevated lipid markers, ‘hangry’ feelings, weight gain or loss, fatigue, allergies, skin issues, brain fog, sleep issues and increasing aches and pains.  I create targeted therapeutic nutritional, supplemental and lifestyle protocols to give their body what it needs so they can heal, regain their energy, resolve pain points and wake up every day feeling their best!

I’ll be your biggest advocate on your health journey! Let’s chat about what health issues you’re having during a free 20 minute consult - just click the button above to schedule. I look forward to working with you!”

Anna C. Dyson, MBA, FNTP, IHP, RWP



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