We all have a bucket or threshold that relates to the amount of toxins, stress and burdens that our bodies can handle. When this threshold is met, we begin to see symptoms. The concept is this: we are continually exposed to toxins in our environment, and if they cannot be removed properly by the body, they build up over time. Eventually, we become overburdened with these toxins and the body begins to show symptoms of struggle. Some refer to this as “total body burden” or “total body load”.
What type of toxins can do this to us? Anything in our external environment can do this, such as, contaminated foods (pesticides, insecticides), unfiltered water, processed foods, electromagnetic fields, excessive blue light, mold exposure, chemical laden personal care products, and the list goes on. Routinely, our bodies handle these contaminants readily through our detoxification pathways. Our four main pathways for toxins to be expelled are through the: 1. Urine 2. Feces/stool 3. Sweat 4. Exhalation. Without getting too technical, an example is the enormous job the liver does to transform toxins into an easily eliminated form that is excreted through the stool. If the liver isn’t able to do this because it may be overburdened with a poor diet, lack of nutrients, excessive alcohol or caffeine, etc., the toxins may end up staying in the body and become lodged in our adipose tissue (fat cells). This is why, when a person begins a detoxification or weight loss program, they may feel terrible at first. This is because they are losing many of the stored up toxins the body wasn’t able to excrete, and as they move through the body to be excreted all at once it an make us feel bad or even sick.
Other stressors that add to our “total body burden” can include emotional ones. These can include relationship issues, financial strain, abuse/neglect and social stresses. These have a burden on the body and can impede our well being, and if not addressed can eventually affect our body’s ability to stay in balance.
A great image to help quantify your “total body burden” is to think of a bucket. Daily, think of what burdens your body is dealing with and how they fill up that bucket. Some daily things might be pesticides sprayed on our fruit or vegetables, numerous chemicals in our personal care products, exposure to electromagnetic fields from our electronic devices, food dyes and chemical additives (currently there are at least 30 ingredients in a chicken nugget!), excessive UV exposure, unknown mold exposure, etc. Now, think about things that you might be doing that could fill up that bucket. You might not even be aware that your bucket is filling up because there are so many hidden ingredients or ingredients that you aren’t aware of that cause stress on the body. But eventually, your body will let you know when your bucket is full.
I learned the hard way that my bucket was full!
It’s interesting how I have had a couple of events in my life when my body said “uncle*”! I was not doing much different in my diet or in any other facet, but I did have an extra amount of stress at work. One day I started having terrible eye allergy symptoms. My eyes were red, watery and itchy. It was not allergy season and it was somewhat of a mystery. It was so bad that I could no longer where my contacts and I had to start wearing my glasses instead. It took me a few weeks, but I finally figured out it was the eye concealer that I had worn for years. It was one of my first ah-ha moments when I started reading the label of ingredients in that product. It was scary! And I was putting it right around my eyes! One of the most sensitive areas of the body. So, that concealer was not necessarily the thing that made my toxic bucket overflow to the point where I had overt symptoms, but it sure was one of the factors in play. The stress at work might have been more likely the final thing to cause the overflow.
As you move throughout your day, consider the stress and burdens you are placing on your body. These can all add up and eventually your body will say “uncle!” through various symptoms and reactions. At this point it is a good idea to start a log of what you are ingesting and being exposed to regularly to determine what’s going on. Here at Optimal You we are trained to look for these burdens and help remove them through the proper detoxification pathways. We also work to supply the body with the correct nutrients so it can properly excrete them.
* As children playing, the term “uncle” was used to get someone to stop a tickling or wrestling match or any other activity that we couldn’t take any more. It means “I give up” which is what our bodies can tell us through symptoms or reactions. It’s important to be in tune with our body so that we can tell if there is a stressor that we need to deal with.